Sunday, May 3, 2015

Final Reflective Post

My experience in this class has been quite a positive one. I feel that out of the three required teaching classes I needed to take in order to receive my Associates degree, this one was by far the most relevant and helpful for my future career as an educator. I enjoyed every aspect of this class, but I most appreciated being pushed out of my comfort zone to discover how to use new online tools that I probably would not have tried otherwise. I really liked creating a WebQuest; not only was it fun to make but I believe students will love it. WebQuests are definitely a resource I'm interested in using in the future as well. I was also happy to have created my own teacher webpage/portfolio because it was helpful practice for when I create a legitimate portfolio for myself in the future. Another thing I thought was cool about this class in particular was the textbook. I normally find textbooks extremely dry and hard to read without getting bored but I actually enjoyed this textbook and found it to be interesting, relevant and helpful as a resource for this class. The only critique I could give is that group assignments were difficult because of conflicting schedules, which just doesn't work well with any online class; but that's more of an issue with online classes in general than this class specifically. All in all, this class has taught me a lot and made me even more excited to become a teacher!

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